
Sharing Trust

Baby Bump Services / Sharing Trust (Page 2)

Teaching Childbirth Education Classes – A Proven Platform

As of this date, I have shipped over 45 Baby Bump Services Childbirth Education Curriculum Platforms (with 2 going overseas, no less!) I am so excited to share that this very successful and well-received Childbirth Education Curriculum Platform has been expanded. I am now including two more tools that have, for years, made my own classes particularly practical and powerful for expectant parents. The Baby Bump Services Childbirth Education Platform provides a proven model with over 21 hours of lesson plans and the following materials: Facilitator’s Guide, Digital access to Study Guide, Educational DVD of Cesarean Digital Access to Epidural Photos, Baby Bump Services Informed Choice Card Game Moving to Empathy Card Game And DVD of BirthZone Labor Simulator. Access to the Facilitator Facebook Group, Zoom Conference calls and video teaching tutorials. If you teach childbirth...

the evolution of Confident Birthing i-advocacy

If you are a doula or childbirth educator, you are probably familiar with using acronyms to help parents navigate pregnancy and birth choices, particularly those choices that fall into the category of interventions. When I first started teaching in the late 1990’s, I found the acronym BRAND (below) in a Midwifery Today Journal. B - Benefits of suggested procedure/test/action; R - Risks of procedure/test/action; A - Alternatives available; N - Nothing… what will happen if no procedure/test/action is implemented; D - Decide I taught my Variations, Complications and Interventions class using this acronym for a couple of years. Then, in one of my classes, one of the dads (whose job was something like: “technology feedback and neuro-linguistic specialist” – seriously, I couldn’t make that up) pointed out to me that the...


Laboring in the Tub with an IV

Here is an option for laboring in the tub with an IV or Saline/Hep lock if the tub has a bar like the one in the photo For this to work, be sure to check which end of the tub has the faucet BEFORE the IV lock is placed. The laboring mom can then ask for it to be on the arm that will be on the side of the tub with the bar. ...
