
November 2010

Baby Bump Services / 2010 (Page 3)

Got Oxytocin?

Thank you, Kam Taylor, for taking the photos of our "got oxytocin?" baby tee shirts Confident Birthing is an oxytocin-promoting environment. This special time of preparing for your birth amd welcoming your baby is also the perfect time for...


Before Social Networking… there was the Sharing Trust

The Sharing Trust is my take on the brain trust. The first time I heard the phrase was when I had the pleasure of spending some time with Aggie Sweeney, CEO and President of The Collins Group in Seattle. Aggie introduced to me to the power of "having as many people in your 'brain trust' as possible" and she left an indelible mark on me. Many years before blogging, facebook and Twitter, Aggie Sweeney showed me what connecting could really mean. I understood marketing and networking but Aggie added a dimension that spoke to something deep inside of me: community. During the brief time I spent with Aggie she was kind enough to take me to an amazing event, The Art of Dining, an annual fundraiser for...


Veteran’s Day… thanks to all who serve… especially the mothers

I was listening to NPR today (might as well not have other channels in this girl’s car) and heard a piece on mothers in the military that surprised me and stuck with me all day. Being interviewed were mothers who are deployed and the part that took me by surprise was the reality that mutli-tasking never ends for mothers even if they are working in a hostile country. One woman mentioned getting emails from her child’s teachers to discuss how her kids were doing in school and while I realize that probably shouldn’t surprise me, (I would want to know what was going on with my child and to stay connected), when I try to imagine what it really means to need to be on...
