
December 2010

Claiming the Birth Space

I cannot say how grateful I am that this will likely be the last image of a laboring woman that I have in my mind as I bid farewell to 2010. I have learned so much from the 3 minutes I have spent witnessing this mama claiming her birth space and welcoming her labor. I talk about moving through labor ALOT. With a background in movement and bodywork and many years of attending laboring women it makes sense that in seeing this video, I might want to comment on the importance of moving through labor and birth. And I certainly love that she shares that she had a few contractions through this, but what stands out for me is how this woman uses...


Getting to Know You…Prenatal Home Visits

During at least one of our visits I will meet you in your home. I love these visits because as you welcome me in, I have the opportunity to observe you in your space. Sometimes, your home gives me little clues about you…photos of family and friends might reflect a value of the important people in your life. I can often spot the chefs in the bunch by the serious kitchen utensils and athletes and lovers of outdoor adventures invest in some serious equipment as well. Some of you treasure your library of books and others have a keen and passionate appreciation of music or movies. Some of you have a wonderfully lived-in space where a child's (or a pet's) experience...


From Doctor to Doula: Wendy Dean

I started the “Who BEcomes A Doula?” Series because I wanted know more about what compels a woman (or a man) to become a birth doula? Are we all just “birth junkies”? (I deeply dislike that term). I wanted to know: ~Who is drawn to this work and what kind of work (or life) did they have before they became a birth doula? ~What makes them continue? ~Is there something about our personalities that leads us to find a way to connect with, care for and support women at that uniquely vulnerable and joyous time of birth? ~Does it matter what part of the country, or the world we live in or is it in our human DNA to do this work...
